Sunday, September 22, 2013


49ers LB Aldon Smith mugshots for 1st and 2nd DUI Arrests

San Francisco 49ers head coach Jim Harbaugh has never been quiet in his judgment of the Seattle Seahawks' players who have made questionable decisions, or his opinions of Pete Carroll going back to his time coaching the USC Trojans, while Harbaugh coached the Stanford Cardinals. Now, the 49ers coach is looking straight down the barrel of sanctimonious hypocrisy as trouble has become a geyser created by his own players, and it's not looking too pretty for a coach who continues to stand in judgment of the NFL's most high profile team; coaches, players and he has even taken a few aimed shots at the fans around the NFL.

It was reported today (Friday, September 20) that at 7:00 AM 49ers star outside linebacker, Aldon Smith, was arrested in San Jose California, by Santa Clara police officers who found Smith slumped, asleep and with his face and chest draped over the steering wheel and the airbag which had been deployed after Smith crashed his vehicle into a tree on the side of the road. Police reported that Smith was "very impaired" as they woke him and put him through a field sobriety and breathalyzer test. Smith was unable to complete the sobriety test and was reported to have blown a 0.15 blood alcohol level, (twice the legal limit in the state of California). In addition to finding Smith drunk behind the wheel of his automobile, the officers found marijuana on the console of his vehicle.

Smith was also convicted of another DUI in January 8, 2012. He has also violated the NFL's substance abuse policy (SAP) multiple times for illegal Street drugs. Because of the NFL's confidentiality constraints, they will not disclose the specific street drugs that were used, or how many violations the 49ers linebacker has had. Multiple positive tests, or improper tampering of the testing protocol, will result in involuntary drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Player suspensions can also be invoked for such violations, which can be either handed down by the player's respective teams or the league office. In special circumstances, both the team and the NFL can implement fines and suspensions. Because this is Aldon Smith's multiple offense of the league's DUI policy, it is almost certain that his punishment will be considerable. Aside from each state's individual legal penalty for driving while intoxicated, the NFL's punishment falls under their "Player Contact Policy" and applies special consequences that will likely include a monetary fine and a player suspension to be determined by the Commissioner and the NFL's legal committee.

Not only is Aldon Smith surrounded by drug and alcohol violations, but there was a stabbing incident in which Smith was stabbed at his own home during a conflict at a party that he hosted. In addition, Smith and a former 49ers player (Delaney Walker) are being implicated in a shooting that occurred at Smith's house also. Weighing Smith's involvement in a collection of crimes and NFL personal conduct violations, the league will  likely take all of this into account when they determine what his punishment will be. Considering his numerous transgressions, it would be highly unusual to see Smith go without a large fine and a multiple game suspension, commensurate to the trouble that he has chosen to involve himself in.

Aldon Smith is a fantastic athlete and one of the major game changing players in Jim Harbaugh's dominant defensive squad. He collected an astounding 19.5 sacks last season, and 14 in his rookie season. Already, in just two games, he has already tallied 3.5 sacks which puts him on a pace to make a record-breaking 24.5 sacks in a season,  but with any substantial time away from the game because of suspension, that number would likely be lower. He is a big time pass rusher in the 49ers' defense and if he is suspended, it could put the 49ers in a tight spot and  in jeopardy of losing their hold on the NFC West. Jim Harbaugh was interviewed shortly after the media became aware of Smith's arrest and he stated, “Aldon Smith arrived at practice on time after the accident, he took part in practice drills, and will be playing this Sunday.

Lawyers for San Francisco 49ers' linebacker Aldon Smith and former teammate, San Francisco, tightend Delaney Walker, have been forced to file a response to a civil suit filed against them relating to a shooting at a party at their home last year. According to the San Jose Mercury news, the lawyers answer to the complaint filed by plaintiff Ronndale Esporlas claim that he "knew of the danger and risk to his undertaking" at the party "but nevertheless, freely and voluntarily exposed himself to all risks of harm." The report detailed the response, including the statement that any compensation sought by the plaintiff be updated, reduced or eliminated to the extent plaintiff's negligence caused or contributed to his own injuries and damages, if any"

Aldon Smith was stabbed at the house party, which police said was crashed by gang members in San Jose. Two people were also shot in the incident according to the initial police report--- none of the injuries life-threatening. Smith and Walker were not charged in the incident. According to the San Jose Mercury news report, Aldon Smith may be charged with a crime stemming from the incident, however. Police found assault rifles in the home belonging to Smith "that were purchased legally in another state (North Carolina, but violating California law.” Troubles are just beginning for Aldon Smith it seems.

Now, I know that each one of us is innocent until proven guilty, but Aldon Smith was tested for his level of inebriation and a breathalyzer and blood alcohol level put him at roughly twice the legal limit of .08, in California. That's pretty drunk and that puts Smith very drunk, or at least extremely hung over, as he arrived at the 49ers practice facility that morning. How a coach could allow his player to take part in practice drills in preparation to play in a game just two days later is mystifying to me at best. Harbaugh is a man who has stood in his ivory tower of self-righteousness, casting down judgment on the Seattle Seahawks for their iniquities and transgressions. Now, he has placed himself in the "Crystal Cathedral" of glass houses, and it's raining hailstones the size of watermelons.

Ahmad Brooks, another 49ers linebacker, was reported to be at one of the clubs in California and drinking alcohol to excess. After leaving the club, he drove drunk to a teammate's house, nose tackle, Lamar Divens. After drinking a lot more alcohol and smoking marijuana at Divens' residence, Brooks decided to drive home in his own vehicle. His teammate, Divens, told him that he would not give him his car keys because he didn't want him to drive home drunk. Brooks proceeded to argue with Divens and after getting agitated, he beat his teammate over the head with a beer bottle several you are in times requiring stitches to close the gashes in Divens' skull. Then, witnesses corroborated the story that Brooks threatened to get his pistol if Divens didn't give him his car keys immediately. Brooks drove home drunk after leaving his teammate in the front lawn bleeding from his head. This story has been confirmed by several people present at Lamar Divens' home. To make this story even more disgusting and pathetic, Brooks offered a monetary settlement to Divens, (reportedly $100,000) and undoubtedly with pressure from the 49ers organization to settle and make this story go away quickly and quietly, Divens chose not to press charges of assault, battery and threat with a lethal weapon on Ahmad Brooks. Brooks recently signed a new contract with the 49ers for $45.5 million.

No surprise----Jim Harbaugh chose not to comment on the events that happened that night. 

Just prior to the 2013 regular season, Harbaugh and the 49ers, made a trade with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for corner Eric Wright. After spending his afternoon in front of the press slamming the Seahawks organization for players testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs, Harbaugh proceeded to trade for a player who had already tested positive for a PED. This really does nothing to dispel the fact that Harbaugh isn't above taking players who have questionable character, including a multitude of violations of NFL league's substance and conduct policy as well as state and federal crime violations.

The purpose of this article is that Jim Harbaugh on the 49ers is making decisions for his football team that are not above those of any other coach in the NFL willing to take a chance on players with questionable background history. His highfalutin, holier than thou, we're better than you tone that he uses in his press conferences has created a gigantic bull's-eye on Harbaugh's back and the backs of every player wearing a 49ers uniform.

Nothing in the NFL is settled in September and nothing is settled in November, but the Seahawks will travel to San Francisco at Candlestick Park, where the 49ers play their home games… and on December 8, the Seahawks will obtrude upon that stink hole of a stadium and confirm a "season death sentence" for Jim Harbaugh and the rest of the 49ers team. For it is there, that the Seahawks will clinch and reclaim the NFC West Divisional Championship Title, the No.1 Seed in the NFC and home-field advantage throughout the playoffs.

If the 49ers are unlucky enough to squeak out a wildcard berth in the playoffs, and if they happen to advance, they know the Super Bowl goes through CenturyLink Field…Every Forty-Niners; player, coach, assistant coach, and ball boy, knows that the C'Link in Seattle, Washington is the last place on the planet earth that they want to be. If they thought a relatively unimportant second game of the season created a record-breaking 136.6 dB of thunder… What kind of unearthly, seismic event of biblical proportions would Seahawks fans create for an NFC title game that could return the Seattle Seahawks to the Super Bowl?

I say forget the earplugs, it's time to purchase a full-size bodysuit, complete with crash helmet and groin protection. Go Hawks!

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